What Jesus didn’t say…

Or perhaps he did, but we didn’t record it because it was just too close to the bone, was that the real evil monster is our parents.

Sure on a spiritual and personality level, the Rebellion and Default against all that was good, true and perfect – ourselves – was brought about and then inflicted on us by higher unseen spirits, however that was long ago. And as Jesus said, he came to stop such spirits evil influence over us, which he did.

So then for two thousand years we’ve persisted in fantasising about some strange malevolent influence that’s seeking our souls destruction, but it’s all fantasy. What truly has happened is we’ve taken on this negative spiritual influence and made it what we call normal life. And how we live in our rebellious feeling-denial state brought about by what caused our childhood repression is the end result. And how we pass it onto our children is by default. And generation after generation we live on believing we are parenting our children lovingly, when in fact all we are doing is subjecting and indoctrinating them to the same negative evil self-denying condition we were subjected to. And we call this normal life. We fail to see that it’s abnormal because we don’t have anything to put it up against. So we just try to get on and ‘make the most of it’.

So we’ve built up huge religions all in the name of perpetuating the evil. The religions and all involved within it are Satan’s good little helpers without even knowing it. We are all Satan’s good little helpers without even knowing it.

And these so-called great religions, great because they are doing such a terrific job at maintaining the control of evil, of the negative, over us and within us, do all these wonderful things for their faithful followers. They help them to keep living in a feeling- and self-deluded way. All under the guise of ‘saving ones soul’, when the truth of how to really save your soul is to face the truth of what your parents did to you, how they treated you to bring about your childhood repression.

And you can only do this by stopping the denial of all those bad feelings you don’t want to feel. Which really means by giving up, giving in, allowing the dreaded ‘devil’ – your parents – to get you. (Which is after all what has already happened.) That is to allow yourself to feel all they have made you feel, to speak about it all and to uncover the truth within you as to why they did it and how it’s affected you. To heal your negative condition.

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