Childhood Repression

I’ve started a Childhood Repression forum.  I am intending it to be a place to provide more information about childhood repression and our healing of it, following on from my CR website.  Also hopefully it will provide a place for people who are doing their feeling-healing, wanting to express their feelings to uncover the hidden truth of them, to write about all they are going through.  I also intend it to grow into something of a resource for links to other places and information on the web that provide information and understanding about, feelings, feeling expression and using feelings to heal oneself.

The CR forum is also with Divine Love Spirituality forum, because even though one might not be interested in God, at some point in ones feeling-healing one might start to wonder about the bigger questions, such as: Why have I been subjected to my negative state and put through all of this – what’s it all for!  And only God can answer those questions, which will happen as one grows in truth.

Should you feel like visiting you are most welcome, and please feel free to become involved.
